1. His Wife Refused: Way, Rawe, Washington and Colton, Whitener, Carrafa, O’Day. Bishton, Foldi, Schumacher, Troy, Jones
2. Dinosaur: Washington and Colton, Whitener, O’Day, Bishton, Foldi, Foster, Troy
3. The Red House: Washignton, Carrafa, Rawe, Way and Colton, Whitener, Carrafa, O’Day, Bishton, Foldi, Foster, Troy, Jones, Schumacher
4. Big Business: Washington and Colton, Whitener, O’Day, Bishton
5. Eggs In A Briar Patch: Way, Washington, Carrafa
6. Poison: Rawe, Way, Washington
7. Combat: Washington and Colton, O’Day, Bishton, Foldi, Troy, Schumacher
8. Fall Through The Cracks: Washington and Rawe, Way, Colton, O’Day, Bishton, Foldi, Troy, Jones, Schumacher
9. Cloud Chamber: Washington and Carrafa
10 .Dense Beasts: Washington and Rawe, Way, Colton, Whitener, O’Day, Bishton, Foldi, Foster, troy, Jones, Schumacher
11. Five Golden Sections: Washington, Colton, Whitener, Carrafa, O’Day, Foldi, Foster, Troy, Jones
12. What A Day That Was: Rawe, Way, Washington, Colton, Whitener, Carrafa, O’Day, Bishton, Foldi, Foster, Troy Jones, Schumacher
13. Big Blue Plymouth: Rawe, Way, Washington, Colton, Whitener, Carrafa, O’Day, Bishton. Foldi, Foster, troy, Jones, Schumacher
14. Light Bath: Washington, Whitener
Erzsebet Foldi, Stephanie Foster, Cheryl Jones, Ellen Troy, Shelley Washington, Jennifer Way
Jamie Bishton, John Carrafa, Richard Colton, Kevin O'Day, Tom Rawe, Michael Schumacher, William Whitener
The Catherine Wheel III is a tour-friendly redaction of the original Broadway production. The set is more compact and the cast slightly smaller. Tharp condensed the original seventeen sections to fourteen and reduced the plot to its essential elements. Character names were eliminated, transforming story into allegory.
Company dancers in rehearsal.
1. His Wife Refused
Written by David Byrne
Vocals, Bass, Guitars by David Byrne
Drums by Yogi Horton
Gung Gong by John Chernoff
Mini Moog and Piano by Bernie Worrell
Steel Drum, Guitar by Adrian Belew
2. Dinosaur
Written by David Byrne
Clavinet, Guitars, Piano, Prophet by David Byrne
Percussion by John Chernoff
3. The Red House
Written by David Byrne
Basses, Guitars, Prophet by David Byrne
Drums by Yogi Horton
Prophet Scream by Brian Eno
4. Big Business
Written by David Byrne and John Chernoff
Vocals, Bass, Fierce and High Guitars by David Byrne
Clavinet by Bernie Worrell
Galloping Guitar by John Chernoff
5. Eggs In A Briar Patch
Written by David Byrne
Bass, Vibes, by Brian Eno
Calvinet by Jerry Harrison
Drums by Yogi Horton
Floating Guitars by Andrew Belew
Guitars, Horses by David Byrne
Gung Chong by John Chernoff
6. Poison
Written by David Byrne
Vocals, Bass, Guitars, Mini Synthesizer, Prophet Strings by David Byrne
Vocals by Dolette McDonald
7. Combat
Written by David Byrne and John Chernoff
Basses, Guitar, Prophet by David Byrne
Drums by Yogi Horton Piano by John Chernoff
Piano by Bernie Worrell
8. Fall Through The Cracks
Written by David Byrne
Vocals, Bass, Guitars, Percussion, Prophet by David Byrne
Drums by Yogi Horton
9. Cloud Chamber
Written by David Byrne
Kitchen Metals by David Byrne
Large Drum by Jerry Harrison
Water Pot by Twyla Tharp
10. Dense Beasts
Written by David Byrne
Bass, Beasts, Percussion, Piano and
Prophet Bells, Second Organ by David Byrne
Drums by Yogi Horton
First Organ by Jerry Harrison
11. Five Golden Sections
Written by David Byrne
Basses, Guitars, Triggered Calliope, Vibes by David Byrne
Drums by Yogi Horton
Double Belled Euphonium by Douglas Gray
Gung Chong by John Chernoff
12. What a Day That Was
Written by David Byrne
Bass, Guitars, Synthesizers by David Byrne
Drums by John Cooksey
Congas by Steve Scales
13. Big Blue Plymouth
Written by David Byrne
Vocals, Guitars by David Byrne
Vocals by Sue Halloran
Concert Toms, Drums by Yogi Horton
14. Light Bath
Written by David Byrne
Percussion by John Chernoff
Triggered Flutes by David Byrne