By David Byrne

I. Dinosaur: Choules, Hill-Connor, Metiva, Russell, Barksdale, Donnell, Kepley, Pawlicki-Sinclair
II. Cloud Chamber: Schrimpf, Pachciarz
III. The Golden Section: Camparo, Cowen, Hodges, Russell, Schrimpf, Teel, Barksdale, Kropp, Pachciarz, Powell, Whitmore, Wilcox, Williams
Lisa Choules, Aisling Hill-Connor, Amber Metiva, Catherine Russell
Christopher Barksdale, Matthew Donnell, Nick Kepley, Matthew Pawlicki-Sinclair
Stefani Schrimpf, Logan Pachciarz
Stayce Camparo, Kimberly Cowen, Deanna Hodges, Chelsea Teel
Geoffrey Kropp, Matthew Powell, Keelan Whitmore, Paris Wilcox, Lateef Williams
Staged by: Shelley Washington and William Whitener
Lighting Recreated by: Kirk Bookman
The Catherine Wheel Suite is comprised of three excerpts from the full-length production of The Catherine Wheel: Dinosaur, Cloud Chamber and The Golden Section.
An excerpt from "Cloud Chamber" as performed by John Carrafa and Christine Uchida in The Catherine Wheel (BBC).
1. Dinosaur
Written by David Byrne
Clavinet, Guitars, Piano, Prophet by David Byrne
Percussion by John Chernoff
2. Cloud Chamber
Written by David Byrne
Kitchen Metals by David Byrne
Large Drum by Jerry Harrison
Water Pot by Twyla Tharp
3. Five Golden Sections
Written by David Byrne
Basses, Guitars, Triggered Calliope, Vibes by David Byrne
Drums by Yogi Horton
Double Belled Euphonium by Douglas Gray
Gung Chong by John Chernoff
4. What a Day That Was
Written by David Byrne
Bass, Guitars, Synthesizers by David Byrne
Drums by John Cooksey
Congas by Steve Scales
5. Big Blue Plymouth
Written by David Byrne
Vocals, Guitars by David Byrne
Vocals by Sue Halloran
Concert Toms, Drums by Yogi Horton
6. Light Bath
Written by David Byrne
Percussion by John Chernoff
Triggered Flutes by David Byrne
Recording Studios
Celestial Studios:
Julie Last, Engineer; Cheryl Smith, Assistant Engineer
Olympic Sound (London):
Doug Wheeler, Engineer
Blank Tapes:
Butch Jones, Engineer
By David Byrne