
Music details
World premiere date
Premiere location place
Miami, FL
Total number of dancers
Other program information

First Violin: Ronald Oakland 
Second Violin: Thomas Moore 
Viola: Pamela McConnell 
Cello: Eugene Eicher

Quartet is a rigorously formal chamber ballet. The minimalist score and unisex costumes create a neutral atmosphere in which the four dancers move with atomic precision. The choreography is grounded in a classical vocabulary “with Twyla's unusual way of switching weight,” describes principal ballerina Cynthia Gregory. The geometric formality is punctuated with unexpected entrances, exits and changes in direction. “When you want to go one way, she has you go the other. The whole torque of it is unique." 

  • Bustamante, Graffin, Gregory and Harvey in performance.

    <p>© Martha Swope</p>
  • Bustamante, Gregory, Graffin and Harvey perform.

    <p>© Martha Swope</p>
  • Gregory and Harvey in performance.

    <p>© Martha Swope</p>
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Video Description

Gregory, Harvey, Bustamante and Graffin in performance.

Full music program

G Song
Composed by Terry Riley - 1980

Music details
Everlast - Quartet - Bum's Rush | American Ballet Theatre
Metropolitan Opera House
New York, NY
In The Upper Room - Bum's Rush - Quartet - Everlast | American Ballet Theatre
Shrine Auditorium
Los Angeles, CA
Quartet - Everlast (premiere) - In The Upper Room | American Ballet Theatre
War Memorial Opera House
San Francisco, CA
Bums Rush - Quartet - The Fugue - In The Upper Room | American Ballet Theatre
Auditorium Theater
Chicago, IL
The Fugue - Quartet (premiere) | American Ballet Theatre
Jackie Gleason Theater of the Performing Arts
Miami, FL